Category: Holidays
Purim 2025
We are delighted to host a family celebration for Purim on Sunday 16th of March at 2PM. There will be hamanstachen, snacks and a kids activity. Fancy dress is encouraged! Please RSVP by email for details. You can learn more about Purim traditions here, and find holiday resources, podcasts and activities for children at PJ…
Hanukkah 2024
Hanukkah is a festive eight-day celebration that for many people falls during the darkest, coldest season of the year. Also called the Festival of Lights, the holiday brings light, joy, and warmth to our homes and communities as we celebrate with candles, food, family, and friends. This year, Hanukkah will begin at sunset on Wednesday 25th…
High Holidays 2024
Rosh Hashanah We came together to celebrate the new year 5785 with music, fun, crafts – and lots of delicious food, of course. The children made holiday cards and everyone had the opportunity to dip apples in honey and wish each other a Happy New Year, with sweeter days to come. Shana tovah umetukah! Yom…
Upcoming Events
As the High Holidays are approaching, take a look at our upcoming events.
Pesach 2024
Towards the end of Passover we were able to host a wonderful event again this year, with a spread of delicious kosher l’pesach food to share. Paula gave us a very informative talk about the story of Passover and encouraged the discussion about the holiday. The children enjoyed holiday themed crafts and colouring in –…
Passover is the holiday during which Jewish people celebrate their Exodus from Egypt. During a Passover Seder, the Haggadah is read. The Haggadah is the story of the Jews’ escape from Egypt. The Jewish people were slaves under the Pharaoh. Moses went to the Pharaoh many times to ask him to free the Jews. The…
What We’ve Been Up To!
Happy New Year from the Progressive Jewish Link NI! As most people have been doing since Rosh Hashana, we’ve been going from holiday to holiday, celebrating the new year! Some we have had ‘official’ events for and some people have celebrated on their own! For Rosh Hashana, we had a baking session with the children…