Hanukkah is a festive eight-day celebration that for many people falls during the darkest, coldest season of the year. Also called the Festival of Lights, the holiday brings light, joy, and warmth to our homes and communities as we celebrate with candles, food, family, and friends. This year, Hanukkah will begin at sunset on Wednesday 25th December ( the 25th day of Kislev, 5785.)
Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem, following the victory of the Maccabees over the larger Greek-Syrian forces. When the temple menorah was re-lit, there was only enough clean oil left to last a single day – yet this miraculously allowed the menorah lit for eight days.
You are welcome to join us for our pre-Hanukkah family celebration, in conjunction with PJ Libraries on Sunday 15th December at 2PM. Please RSVP by email for details.

We are also looking forward to a Hanukkah Online Learning Session on Monday 23rd December at 7pm. Please contact us if you are interested in joining.
You can also find all sorts of holiday resources and fun for kids at PJ Libraries Hanukkah hub and download a reference to the holiday candle-lighting below:
Chad Urim Sameach from everyone at Progressive Jewish Link NI!