Rosh Hashanah
We came together to celebrate the new year 5785 with music, fun, crafts – and lots of delicious food, of course. The children made holiday cards and everyone had the opportunity to dip apples in honey and wish each other a Happy New Year, with sweeter days to come. Shana tovah umetukah!

Yom Kippur

Thanks to the hard work of Sarah and Aleks, the adults were able to come together online for a very informative talk and discussion on the Book of Jonah. It is hoped we can continue these learning opportunities in future.
Although the arrival of Storm Ashley kept some of us from travelling and meant a last minute change of plans, we were able to celebrate Sukkot together on the 20th October. Instead of a trip to the woods this year, we retreated indoors to pitch our sukkah as the likelihood of it taking flight seemed pretty high. Our quick temporary version outside stayed up long enough for the bracha and a bite, then it was time to retreat indoors for some delicious home baking. Shaking the four species in high winds was a new and invigorating experience! Thank you to everyone who took part. Chag Sameach!